GBL is a renowned provider of sustainable and innovative solutions for the construction industry. With over two decades of experience, we specialize in designing, manufacturing, and installing high-quality building envelopes, including doors, windows, and curtain walls. Our products are engineered to meet the highest standards of durability, energy efficiency, and performance while providing aesthetic appeal and functionality. We work closely with architects, contractors, and developers to deliver customized solutions that meet their specific needs and requirements. Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our use of eco-friendly materials and our focus on reducing waste and energy consumption during the manufacturing process. At GBL, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional value and service to our customers, and we strive to exceed their expectations in every project we undertake.

Instrument specification for GBL

Minimum order value 1
Description GBL
Maximum order value 561
Transaction Step 1
Type Equities BE
Trading Hours monday-friday 09:01-17:29
Contract size / 1 lot Price * 1 EUR
Deposit required 20%
Value of 1 pip 0.001
Financial leverage 5:1
Minimal step 0.001
Long swap (daily) -0.01917%
Short sale YES
Short swap (daily) 0.00111%
Distance SL and TP 0
3-day swap (date) 5

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